Inside Water

Veil song | Watercolour | 66x101 cm
Secrets within | lithograph | 70x100cm

Veil song | Watercolour | 66x101cm
Blue falls | Mokulito |70x100cm
Luminous fall |woodcut
Infinity | Lithograph
A thousand echoes | woodcut
Clear Mirror | Mokulito + lithograph | 70x100cm
Near Ground | Lithograph |
Window into night | woodcut |
Alchemy | Mokulito Diptych

Emerging from the deep and enduring journey through land and country in my art making, Inside Water is an expression of a new passage which attempts to capture the nuances and meaning of water.

From chance meanderings in the Illawarra landscape exploring waterfalls and creeks and experiencing the life-force and impact of water on me as a person and as an artist, water became the central element for me to explore in these works. With a small flowing creek outside my workshop, the sound and movement after rain led me to explore the connection of being part of something much greater but right on my doorstep – a green corridor connecting the escarpment to the sea.

Working across the mediums of traditional lithography, mokulito, woodcut and watercolour enabled me to explore the different qualities of water – movement, light, strength, fluidity, substance, flow. The visual language this created became more dramatic with strength and character taking the forefront with painterly and more intuitive marks following the fall and flow of water. Many times I felt the incidental flow of marks beyond my control, echoing the real life movement of water.

Exhibited at Australian Galleries Sydney March 2022
©2024 Danielle Creenaune